Discovering Hand Engraving

pictured below:Illustration by Kathryn Holton Stewart
I first discovered the beauty of hand engraving 5 years ago when I came across a class at
Blaine Lewis' New Approach School for Jeweler's . New Approach was introduced to me when Ben, my husband,studied Advanced Stone Setting under Blaine's instruction . The techniques offered and the philosophy of the school was so impressive we were hooked. When I spied a course on Hand Engraving I was completely intrigued and had to check it out.
Drawing has been a part of my art since I was 8 . To bring illustration to my metalwork was an exciting concept. I signed up immediately and was fortunate to study under Jason Marchiafava.

Jason is a third generation Artist and Craftsman by trade.
He began his training metalsmithing and stone setting at a very young age under the supervision of Jeweler Tina May Shiele,the head jeweler of his father
and grandfathers shop. By the time Jason graduated High School his skilles in the jewelry trade had matured. .At 19, hungry for more advanced skills in stonesetting and other aspects of the jewelry trade he started researching classes and began networking with other artisans. Jason began to discover the "Artists'" view of metals.....ejoy Jason's full bio here
Jason's full Biography. pictured above: Ornamental Scrollwork and gold inlay by Jason Marchiafava
In class, Jason introduced us over the course of a 5 day intensive to the way of ornamental hand engraving. I remember the introduction well as Jason broke ornamental patterns down into basic cuts .

Cat claws and S cuts, simple enough right? That is until you first try.
Day One...We just repeated the same cuts over and over. It was fascinating to hear as the class went from slipping right and left to finding the touch of the graver. Ping... Ping...Ping... throughout the room.

It was then that I knew the graver would become a key component in our work.
As I find the time to practice and incorporate engraving into my work I find myself wanting to learn more about this craft. The Engraving community of the modern world I have discovered is intensely impressive in talent and skill amongst a large handful of artists A visit to will give one a humbling glimpse of the amazing talent the engraving community is infused with. This encourages me to dig deeper and learn more about this art.
My first focus will be around scrollwork, it is my favorite engraving subject.

Check out my archived blog,
I will spend the coming months focused on the use of the graver in jewelry making, from ornamental patterning to functional stone setting techniques.So I hope you will look forward to my next blog subject:
The Anatomy of the Scroll
For now enjoy this little glimpse of my beginning practice toward the goal of mastering the scroll.
pictures right:Pen and ink by Kathryn Stewart

Until next time dream big, work hard, and Be inspired!
Kathryn Holton Stewart


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